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CIRS 004骨密度模体

CIRS 004骨密度模体

型号:CIRS 004 类别: 质控模体 品牌:美国CIRS pdf资料: CIRS 004骨密度模体.pdf
采购热线:0755-28896837  13632925349 在线咨询产品    CIRS 004骨密度模体在线咨询QQ:274798107
CIRS 004骨密度模体简介
用于骨矿物质分析的CIRS 004骨密度模体考虑了影响椎体密度测量的所有已知变异来源。CIRS 004骨密度模体根据密度和形状模拟患者的平均解剖结构。而且,就X射线相互作用而言,也使用与人体组织基本相同的材料,这包括与椎骨组成中年龄有关的变化。
用于骨矿物质分析的CIRS 004骨密度模体特点:
CIRS 004骨密度模体特殊的扫描仪软件不是必需的



CIRS 004骨密度模体特点:


  • 立即在任何CT扫描仪上使用

  • 监测治疗对小梁结构的影响

  • 直接测量钙的羟基磷灰石含量

  • 准确的相关性定量研究

  • 年龄相关变量更正骨髓脂肪和矿物质含量

  • 模拟人体组织的大小,形状和CT密度

  • 不需要特殊的扫描仪软件

  • 基于PC的报告软件


The Model 004 CT Simulator for Bone Mineral Analysis takes into account all the known sources of variance affecting the measurement of density in the vertebral area. The model 004 simulates the average patient’s anatomy in terms of density and shape. Also materials are used which are essentially equivalent to human tissues as far as X-ray interactions are concerned, this includes age-related variations in vertebral composition.

Model 004 CT Simulator For Bone Mineral Analysis features:special scanner software is not required
for mineral content and marrow fat: age related variable corrections
accurate correlation for quantitative studies
measure calcium hydroxyapatite content directly
directly usable on any CT scanner
simulation of the CT density, shape and size of human tissue
effects monitoring of therapy on trabecular structure


SAG: CIRS 004,CIRS004,CIRS 004模体,Cirs模体,CIRS 004骨密度模体